Mounter | Description | Options |
CGameplayDLCMounterScripted | Basic scriptable DLC mounter - good for scripts-only systems | |
CSaveFileDLCMounter | DLC mounter for save files - for starting DLCs in standalone mode |
CR4QuestDLCMounter | To start a quest on game start |
CR4ActionPointCategoriesDLCMounter | Loads csv file with action points |
CR4AnimationsCategoriesDLCMounter | Loads csv file with animation categories |
CR4EntityExternalAppearanceDLCMounter | Registers entity templates and appearance modifiers at game start |
CR4AttitudesDLCMounter | Loads csv file with attitude groups and additional attitude xmls |
CR4DefinitionsEntitieTemplatesDLCMounter | Loads entity templates from given path |
CR4DefinitionsDLCMounter | Loads definition xmls from dlc path |
CR4DropPhysicsSetupDLCMounter | Registers entity templates from given path with given setups |
CR4EntityTemplateParamDLCMounter | Registers entity templates from given path with given parameters |
CR4EntityTemplateSlotDLCMounter | Registers entity templates from given paths with given slots |
CR4FinishersDLCMounter | LoadFinishers and anim sets from given paths |
CR4JournalEntriesDLCMounter | Registers journal entry xmls at given paths |
CR4JournalDLCMounter | Registers a journal directory |
CR4MappinsDLCMounter | Loads entity mappins and quest mappins definitions for given world |
CR4ResourceDefinitionsDLCMounter | Registers dlc resource definition xml files |
CR4RewardsDLCMounter | Registers dlc rewards definition xml files |
CR4ScaleformContentDLCMounter | Registers scaleform resources in dlc |
CR4SceneAnimationsDLCMounter | Registers csv files for scene animations in dlc |
CR4VideoDLCMounter | This mounter simply gathers and checks and extracts video usm files |
CR4VoicetagDLCMounter | Registers entity templates from given paths with given slots and adds voicetags to them |
CR4WorldDLCMounter | Registers a dlc world with the game |