DLC Mods
DLC Mods (Downloadable Content Mods) are a sub-group of mods that only contain new assets and files.
How do they differ from other mods? Regular mods modify some aspect of the already existing game - such as textures on existing characters, new models for existing NPCs or changes to the character stats).
DLC mods on the other hand are modifications to the game which add completely new content. This may include a new world, a new character or e.g. new animations.
DLC Mods and where to find them
DLC Mods may be packed in a way which separates them from the main game bundles and other mod bundles.
This supports a fully custom path for your mod. And it’s good to keep things organised and mitigate conflicts with other people's work - if you happen to choose the same file names and paths.
When the mod author adds files or worlds to a subfolder of the “dlc” folder in the Asset Browser, REDkit will automatically detect such content and pack it into a DLC file just like the official DLC that comes with The Witcher 3 (here named “bob” and “ep1”).
A mod project may also both contain a dlc and mod content - REDkit will then produce two (or more) bundles so that the new content and the modified content is neatly separated.
By default, REDkit will pack all folders inside the DLC folder in your Asset Browser as a custom dlc if that folder is not one of the original game dlc (bob, ep1, dlc1-16). If you modify a file of the original dlc (e.g. a texture of a monster that was added in Blood & Wine) then REDkit will pack this as a mod (since you modified an existing asset).
Modifying existing DLC
This is a special case scenario.
It is possible to modify an existing dlc mod. Let’s assume you want to modify textures from an existing dlc mod which is not a dlc of the original game.
In such cases you should point out to REDkit that you want to create a mod - and not a dlc. To do this, adjust the exclusion settings in the mod project settings. By default, the excluded dlc names are the original game DLCs (bob, ep1, dlc1-16).
DLC Mounters
You need to create a .reddlc file in your custom dlc mod folder in order for the engine to recognize your new files. When creating a dlc with a .reddlc, you can add so-called “mounters” to the .reddlc file. These mounters can perform certain tasks automatically relating to how the game handles “dlcs” (extra, independent content from the base game).
Many of the dlc mounters specify paths from where the game should load files (xmls, csvs or entity templates etc).
Usually the game will load these definitions from hardcoded paths in the base depot layout. When adding dlcs, new relative paths are created and the game needs to know these new paths.
These DLC mounters are available:
Mounter | Description | Options |
CGameplayDLCMounterScripted | Basic scriptable DLC mounter - good for scripts-only systems | |
CSaveFileDLCMounter | DLC mounter for save files - for starting DLCs in standalone mode |
CR4QuestDLCMounter | To start a quest on game start |
CR4ActionPointCategoriesDLCMounter | Loads csv file with action points |
CR4AnimationsCategoriesDLCMounter | Loads csv file with animation categories |
CR4EntityExternalAppearanceDLCMounter | Registers entity templates and appearance modifiers at game start |
CR4AttitudesDLCMounter | Loads csv file with attitude groups and additional attitude xmls |
CR4DefinitionsEntitieTemplatesDLCMounter | Loads entity templates from given path |
CR4DefinitionsDLCMounter | Loads definition xmls from dlc path |
CR4DropPhysicsSetupDLCMounter | Registers entity templates from given path with given setups |
CR4EntityTemplateParamDLCMounter | Registers entity templates from given path with given parameters |
CR4EntityTemplateSlotDLCMounter | Registers entity templates from given paths with given slots |
CR4FinishersDLCMounter | LoadFinishers and anim sets from given paths |
CR4JournalEntriesDLCMounter | Registers journal entry xmls at given paths |
CR4JournalDLCMounter | Registers a journal directory |
CR4MappinsDLCMounter | Loads entity mappins and quest mappins definitions for given world |
CR4ResourceDefinitionsDLCMounter | Registers dlc resource definition xml files |
CR4RewardsDLCMounter | Registers dlc rewards definition xml files |
CR4ScaleformContentDLCMounter | Registers scaleform resources in dlc |
CR4SceneAnimationsDLCMounter | Registers csv files for scene animations in dlc |
CR4VideoDLCMounter | This mounter simply gathers and checks and extracts video usm files |
CR4VoicetagDLCMounter | Registers entity templates from given paths with given slots and adds voicetags to them |
CR4WorldDLCMounter | Registers a dlc world with the game |
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition © 2024 CD PROJEKT S.A. Published by CD PROJEKT S.A. Developed by CD PROJEKT RED. CD PROJEKT®, The Witcher®, REDengine® are registered trademarks of CD PROJEKT Capital Group. All rights reserved. The Witcher game is set in the universe created by Andrzej Sapkowski in his series of books. All rights reserved.