TOOL: Vegetation Edit Tool

TOOL: Vegetation Edit Tool

Used for painting grass, trees, bushes and other tiny obstacle, mostly on terrain or static meshes.

In the dialog (see the panel on the right) you can adjust the size, limits, alignment. You can also import multiple brushes and switch between them to paint on the scene.

To import a brush, look up a vegetation brush file from the asset browser, drag and drop it into the brushes list of the dialog.



Selecting a vegetation brush from the list will show all the available assets that can be painted using that brush, like so:

Each item can be additionally configured (offset, sparsity rates, etc.).

Paint grass mask will highlight the whole terrain in green.


Using this mode, you can paint areas in red to exclude them from grass generation.

In the Statistics panel, you can also check what type and how many instances of vegetation were used per tile, also edit some things like removing too many duplicates of a type.



The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition © 2024 CD PROJEKT S.A. Published by CD PROJEKT S.A. Developed by CD PROJEKT RED. CD PROJEKT®, The Witcher®, REDengine® are registered trademarks of CD PROJEKT Capital Group. All rights reserved. The Witcher game is set in the universe created by Andrzej Sapkowski in his series of books. All rights reserved.