Demo Mod: Mariska's Wonderland

Demo Mod: Mariska's Wonderland

This mod was made in The Witcher 3 REDkit and can now be used as an example, featuring some of the main aspects on how to make a more complex quests, along with creating custom dialogs and scenes.



1. Summary

Some of the main features of the Demo Mod:

  • two outcomes for how the quest can end

  • Custom Quest Items which the Player will need to use during the quest

  • investigation, Trail following.

  • interacting with different NPC-s, Dialogues with multiple choices, Minigames, Shop keepers, etc.

  • territorial monsters encountered in the world

  • boss fights!

  • a brand new world used as a Small Unique location where the quest takes place.

  • special loot: an artifact as quest item, a key for unlocking hidden doors.

  • quest reward at the end of the quest.

2. Start the mod

Go to https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3251373060 and click Subscribe.

The mod will then be downloaded to your SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\292030\3251373060 folder.

Once in the game, the mod quest will start right away if you start the game from the Blood and Wine ONLY option..


3. Edit the mod project and files

If you want to open the Mariska’s Wonderland project in REDkit and access the mod’s files, download: .

Then unzip the file to a location where you would normally save your other projects made with The Witcher 3 REDkit. Start the Editor, press Browse (Open Existing projects) and select the Vmod.w3edit file from the mod folder.


4. Quest Progression

The quest starts at Skellige in the DLC The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine questline, at the Blandare village noticeboard.

Play the demo mod:

Download the mod project and files:


download (5).jpg

This mod is not official content created for The Witcher 3, but solely a test mode intended for educational purposes and honing your skills!

Table of contents:




Phase 1

  • Geralt finds messages on a quest board that lures him to investigate a location where people went missing. The message offered help, but no one came back.

  • At the location he finds a powerful mage scientist, who is much stronger. Geralt thinks that he kills the people that come to him for help. Fights the mage (Boss).

    • Geralt wins the fight: With witcher senses, he finds a hidden door, opens it, and all the missing people from the village are there, lying dead in a magic circle. There is a chest, in which he finds the quest reward.

    • Geralt loses the fight: Instead of dying, he is teleported into a new location, where the real quest begins.

Boss fight with Mariska.


Phase 2

  • Geralt wakes up in a location far far away in another world. In another dimension. At first, it looks like a dense forest, and he can go toward only one direction - to the top of a nearby hill. There, he sees the whole quest area: a lake, next to its right, a small village with a few houses and an inn, across the village is a mountain with a dungeon entry, on the mountain a big sculpture of a mage.

  • Geralt can progress the quest by choosing a number of locations to investigate. During the investigation, the quest will propagate where Geralt can find how he can escape with multiple ways. The way how he escapes determines the ending of the quest. 

  • Dialog with an innkeeper with different choices: asking questions, asking him to trade goods, play a round of gwent.

  • There is a custom item that is used as a quest item. This item is treated as an artifact, where Geralt can either use it immediately once he gets it or by further investigating, he can find out that it needs to be used in a ritual circle. Doing so, he can teleport himself back to the “real world” where the villagers will also escape back to if the item is used in the ritual circle. Geralt now can defeat the weakened Mariska and investigate the strange magic she has used to trap people in order to finish the quest successfully.

Cutscene with a shopkeeper


Implemented flow of the demo mod:


4. Areas in the mod world

Here’s what you can find in different areas of the custom demo mod world:


  • Geralt can talk to the local innkeeper, he finds out that they are a cult, and every day at noon they go pray, and they do a ritual in the mountain dungeon for protection from the beasts in the forest. In the inn, Geralt finds out that the priest acts strange, every night he goes out somewhere and he thinks no one has noticed it. The priest has a house somewhere in the forest.

  • NPCs: 

    • The Innkeeper

    • The Farmers

    • Swarms: Chickens, cow


  • Territorial monsters guarding the forest, Near the secret dungeon

  • The secret dungeon contains 2 rooms:

    • Main hall - a Golem is guarding it. 

    • Secret room - after defeating the golem, Geralt can enter another room that is locked shut by a strange door and can be only opened by getting the key from the Golem. Geralt finds a node writing of a strange ritual and how an artifact is used for it. He also finds a chest where a strange artifact is contained.

Mountain Dungeon

  • A visibly common looking cave temple. But in reality, this is where the ritual needs to be made by using the artifact.

Final Boss

  • Once Geralt has the artifact in his possession, he can use it to travel back to the real world at Mariska’s Castle.

    • the freed people are standing there with him - if Geralt has attended the ritual accordingly).

  • If Geralt has the artifact, Mariska will be waiting at the Castle but weakened this time.

    • if Geralt did not attend the ritual, the villagers die and Mariska will fight him once again in her full strength.

5. Outcomes

Here are the possible outcomes and their consequences:

  • Geralt kills the mage on the first try: Everyone dies

  • Geralt finds the strange artifact and decides to use it immediately, not in the place of the ritual: Geralt escapes, The mage is now weaker and can be beaten easier, but villagers will die.

  • Geralt uses the mask inside the ritual: the freed villagers escape, the evil Mage is weakened and can be defeated easier.

  • Geralt escapes from the fight with Mariska: Mariska is not stopped, the quest fails.


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition © 2024 CD PROJEKT S.A. Published by CD PROJEKT S.A. Developed by CD PROJEKT RED. CD PROJEKT®, The Witcher®, REDengine® are registered trademarks of CD PROJEKT Capital Group. All rights reserved. The Witcher game is set in the universe created by Andrzej Sapkowski in his series of books. All rights reserved.