Publishing mods

Publishing mods

Here’s how you can export your mods from REDkit and then make them part of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt!

So you had some fun with REDkit, maybe even created your own quests or edited some existing content. Great! This tutorial will explain how make your project into a mod which will then be added to The Witcher 3 game or published online!

Hopefully - to minimize the chance of crashes - you’ve been following our tutorials while creating your mod!

Test the mod in REDkit

Before you publish your mod, make sure everything works just the way it should and test your project in REDkit.

How? Load in the the correct Game Definition file and try to start it. If the game can be launched correctly from the Editor and everything works fine from there, you can then move on to publishing your mod.

Save and publish mod project

Go to the the Publish tab and press Save and publish mod project.



Step 1

Basic Information

For this process to work, you need to be connected to the Steam Workshop.

Then fill in the:

  • Mod’s name

  • Version

  • Add a description

  • Thumbnail image

All of these fields are required.

Once you’re ready to move on to the next step, press Next.

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Step 2

Time to cook

Once you start the cooking process, it will analyze the depot and files we used + begin packaging them.

This means:

  • optimising the mod files

  • creating the mod bundles (like .zip files)

  • creating various caches (also .zip files but for textures, collision etc)

  • creating some metadata

This files will be saved in your mod directory in the \packed folder.

The full process can take up to a couple of minutes - it depends on the complexity of the mod.

Once the process is complete, press Next.

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Step 3

Save and publish

The last step!

Choose a language and the visibility level for your mod (should it be public or not).

There are three things you can do here:

  • Export zip package - create a .zip file with your mod. Useful for uploading to NexusMods.

  • Install project - install your mod to your The Witcher 3 game.

  • Publish to Steam Workshop - if you feel like it, share your mod with others on Steam Workshop.


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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition © 2024 CD PROJEKT S.A. Published by CD PROJEKT S.A. Developed by CD PROJEKT RED. CD PROJEKT®, The Witcher®, REDengine® are registered trademarks of CD PROJEKT Capital Group. All rights reserved. The Witcher game is set in the universe created by Andrzej Sapkowski in his series of books. All rights reserved.